Gestalt Language Processing

Gestalt Language Processing is a type of language development that is often seen in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children who learn language in this way typically present as echoing back words, phrases and sentences other people say (i.e. echolalia), using these to communicate. They often learn ‘scripts’ from other people, tv shows, books, or other media and life experiences, and use these scripts to communicate to others. Children who learn language this way require a different approach to assessment and intervention to children who learn language from single words and build sentences from there. The approach is based on the Natural Language Acquisition Framework.

At CommuniKids Speech Therapy, we recognise the importance of tailoring therapy to each child’s unique needs and communication style. Our speech pathologists are trained in Natural Language Acquisition and will work alongside you and your child to create a therapy approach that best suits your child’s type of language development and effectively support continued language development.

 If you would like to book an assessment with a speech pathologist, please get in touch.